Thz Wild Wild Card 2

Wild Wild Card

Martin Schick

A wilder version of the Open Practice Format Wild Card,, which takes place every Friday as a training event. This is a space for experiments, focusing on a theme, testing out an idea... still always within the realm of shared movement practices, accessible to all bodies, backgrounds, and abilities. These training sessions are (usually) led by Martin Schick and take place once a month.

Tuesday, 24.09.2024: SWARMING!
With Mo DienerThe swarm is a phenomenon from the animal kingdom, used by starlings and fish for protection but also for movement. This form of movement has been studied by the Max Planck Institute, where researchers concluded that this organizational form of many bodies might also hold potential for transformative processes in human society. Mo Diener would now like to invite the Wild Card Community to join her in forming swarms and experimenting with the concept of swarming.

  • Bühne 2
    Tanzhaus Zürich
    Wasserwerkstrasse 129
    8037 Zürich
  • Wheelchair accessible

  • Wheelchair accessible

Tuesday, 24.09.2024
Clock 19:00 — 20:30

  • Pay as much as you want
  • Duration: 1h 30m
Tuesday, 22.10.2024
Clock 19:00 — 20:30

  • Pay as much as you want
  • Duration: 1h 30m
Tuesday, 26.11.2024
Clock 19:00 — 20:30

  • Pay as much as you want
  • Duration: 1h 30m

Martin Schick

Martin Schick has made it a principle of his artistic work to constantly enter new contexts and to create or expand spaces that contradict the norm or have a special character of their own. Originally trained in dance and performance, he now accompanies collective and institutional projects, such as the Kalkbreite co-operative, as a cultural manager, participation expert or critical voice, conducts artistic research and is involved in activism. He has been involved with the Wild Card format at Tanzhaus Zürich for 8 years and is in favour of promoting collaborative practice as an alternative to spectacle.