Zoe Gyssler is a Swiss artist raised on the Balearic Islands and in Switzerland. She is a freelance performer, choreographer, and dance instructor and is based in Berlin, Switzerland, and Mallorca. Her recent projects include "The Acting Body Dances," blending dance and theater; "Oscillations," combining dance with glassblowing and sound; and "Firestarter," a feminist ritual, all viewed through a feminist and transcultural lens. She teaches internationally and has choreographed for state theaters since 2021.
Professional Training Contemporary
Zoe Gyssler
The class blends floorwork, release technique, and light acrobatics with a strong focus on spinal alignment, spirals and core strength. It incorporates dynamic movement phrases, encouraging dancers to move from the skeleton and apply physics for fluid, efficient movement and heightened spatial awareness. Coordination games challenge both physical and mental agility, while guided improvisation opens channels for creative exploration through sensory tasks. As the training progresses, the focus will be on sharpness, attack, precision, isolation and musicality, while maintaining the center and the skeleton at the core of movement.
- Bühne 2
Tanzhaus Zürich
Wasserwerkstrasse 129
8037 Zürich - Wheelchair accessible
- Wheelchair accessible
- English
- Seasonal subscription: CHF 250
- Subscribe to our service newsletter for dance professionals!
Monday, 28.04.2025
10:00 — 11:30
- CHF 10
- Payment on the spot
- Duration: 1h 30m
Tuesday, 29.04.2025
11:00 — 12:30
- CHF 10
- Payment on the spot
- Duration: 1h 30m
Wednesday, 30.04.2025
10:00 — 11:30
- CHF 10
- Payment on the spot
- Duration: 1h 30m
Photo Danny Willems
Zoe Gyssler