THZ Buehne 2 ©Seraina Wirz

Bühne 2

We primarily use Bühne 2 for our professional training program and workshops as well as for rehearsals for our coproductions and residencies.

At weekends, we also rent out Bühne 2 to external parties. It is suitable for movement workshops, panels, performances and simple event formats such as readings or similar.


  • Surface: approx. 15x15m, Height: approx. 6m
  • Professional dance floor, black dance carpet
  • grandstand for 120 persons
  • Music system incl. small mixing console with iPod/laptop and CD connection


Please contact us for any questions or further information. Our reception is open from Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

  • +41 (0)44 350 26 10
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