
Upcoming Workshops


Our diverse and ever-changing workshop program brings you input, inspiration, and innovation – check it out!
Clash without Crash with Bruno Catalano
Pneuma with Danilo Andrés

In favour of cultural diversity: the impending loss of Züritipp


The discontinuation of Züritipp threatens independent cultural reporting in Zurich and raises concerns about the future of cultural journalism.

And the accomplices are...

10.06.2024 / On our own behalf

The accomplices, who will be active at Tanzhaus until mid-2026, have been chosen.

Open Call


Join Empty City's production research and discover the power of movement with choreographer Aly Khamees!



May 13-25 2024
For its second edition, the choreographic development platform will bring together a large group of movers of all kinds for a two-week, intensive, and process-oriented artistic exchange.
Apply now!



The yoga lessons with Sarah Kotwal and Monika Scherer still take place MO, MI, FR at 8.30h on Bühne 2.
Follow Yoga im Tanzhaus on Instagram!

You Never Dance Alone

24.05.2023 / On our own behalf

The platform You Never Dance Alone is an attempt to establish an alternative place to stay connected through movement as well as with language despite isolation.


21.11.2022 / On our own behalf

Free entry for all refugees & donation appeal

Statement Regarding a Right-Wing Incident at Tanzhaus Zürich

21.11.2022 / On our own behalf

On Sunday, October 16, our reading and dress-up format for children, Drag Story Time, was disrupted by a group associated with the radical right-wing scene. Tanzhaus Zürich has filed a complaint with the police.

SHOW-OFF: Tanzhaus Zürich is looking for sketches for short pieces

18.10.2022 / On our own behalf

SHOW-OFF is a low-threshold platform for artists at the beginning of their careers which focuses on the process. Three artists or groups of maximum three people are selected to develop a short piece of maximum 20 minutes in March 2023 and to present it publicly three times in a workshop performance at the end.

TanzPlan Ost: Impressions from the creation process

18.10.2022 / On our own behalf

On both performance days (October 13 & 14) there will be a contextualising exhibition in our foyer. It presents the three-part TanzPlan Ost programme and provides insights into the artistic processes of the two choreographers.

Corona Measures


Current information regarding the Corona measures at Tanzhaus Zürich.

Eine Durchlaufprobe mit Charlotte Mathiessen & Sarah Calörtscher


Sari Pamer durfte bei einer Durchlaufprobe von Charlotte Mathiessen und Sarah Carlörtscher zuschauen und sprach anschliesend mit ihnen über Bequemlichkeiten, Probenprozesse und persönliche Weiterentwicklung.

Auf einen Kaffee beim Collectif Foulles


In einer Pause zwischen den Proben trifft Sari Pamer das Collectif Foulles und spricht mit ihnen über ihre Arbeit im Kollektiv, SHOW-OFF und den Körper als gesellschaftliches Konstrukt.

Eine Kostümprobe mit Ikenna Nwaogu & Tracy September


Sari Pamer besuchte Ikenna Nwaogu und Tracy September bei einer Kostümprobe und sprach mit ihnen über Improvisation, Diversität und das Zusammenspiel von Tanz und Musik.

Es stellt sich vor: Collectif Foulles


Für SHOW-OFF besteht das Collectif Foulles aus den Tänzer:innen Délia Krayenbühl, Fabio Zoppelli und Emma Saba. Die Mitglieder:innen des Kollektivs lernten sich vor drei Jahren an der La Manufacture in Lausanne kennen.

Ikenna Nwaogu & Tracy September stellen sich vor


Ikenna, eine:e non-binäre Bewegungskünstler:in aus Zürich und Tracy,
eine südafrikanische Sängerin und Beat-Macherin, arbeiteten bereits bei Las Templas von Ivy Monteiro am Tanzhaus zusammen. Für SHOW-OFF setzen sie gemeinsam Tagebuchfragmente tänzerisch und musikalisch um.

Es präsentieren sich Charlotte Mathiessen & Sarah Calörtscher


Die Tänzerin und Choreografin Charlotte Mathiessen und die Musikerin Sarah Calörtscher untersuchen für SHOW-OFF Fragen rund um die Klimakrise und (Un)Bequemlichkeit tänzerisch sowie musikalisch.

Dear Black* Artists in Switzerland

15.12.2021 / On our own behalf

Thank you for your initiative! Answering the questions in your Open Letter was very inspirational and has shown us in which areas Tanzhaus Zürich needs to take action. We will do everything we can in order to fulfil our social responsibility.

We are happy to share our answers and would further like to make our stage available to you for future events. We are also open to any other ideas or needs you might have. Perhaps we can put our heads together to find ways in which we can strengthen the cause even more?

Warm regards
The Tanzhaus Zürich team

Answers Open Letter

Corona Guide


Informations about the artFAQ Corona guide for arts professionals.

Pressespiegel Eröffnung neues Tanzhaus

11.12.2021 / On our own behalf

Here are some reactions from the press and media on the opening of the new Tanzhaus Zürich.