
Johanna Heusser

valse, valse, valse

For us today, the waltz epitomises the Sissi dream and convention. However, at the beginning of the 19th century, the waltz was criticised and sometimes even banned because of its physical closeness and intimacy with the other body. It was believed that the dancers entered a state of intoxication that released impulses and made people uninhibited. The almost floating movement of the waltz, the relationship between the two dancers and the music create a kind of trance. Johanna explores the ambivalence of the view of the waltz in the past and today, where it tends to be associated with opera balls, the upper classes and wealth. In ‘valse, valse, valse’, the focus is on a contemporary rewriting of the waltz that exposes the historical potential for disorder.

By and with Johanna Heusser, Simea Cavelti

Johanna Heusser

Since her graduation at HF für Zeitgenössischen und Urbanen Bühnentanz in Zürich, Basel-based dancer Johanna Heusser (born in 1994) has been with different companies and choreographers around Switzerland. She further teaches dance and yoga internationally on a regular basis. Since 2016, she hass been creating her own works, which are shown at theaters and dance festivals around Europe. Johanna was the winner of Atelier Mondial in 2018 and of Double Tanz 2020 by Migros Cultural Percentage. With her first solo piece how to do a downward facing dog? she was chosen in the pre-selection of the Swiss dance Days 2021 and selected to be in one of eight Salon d Artistes. She is a semi-finalist of PREMIO Switzerland 2021 and graduated from the Master Expanded Theater at the Bern University of the Arts HKB. She worked at Schauspielhaus Vienna, choreographing the Piece COMA, and at Münchner Volkstheater, working as a choreographer for the Piece Alles ist aus, aber wir haben ja uns, directed by Bonn Park. Her latest work about Swiss wrestling was invited to the Swiss Theatre Days 2022. She was part of the ATLAS Programme at ImPulsTanz Vienna in 2022. Johanna was nominated for Best Emerging Artist by the Theater heute magazine survey 2022. She is a recipient of a multiple year grant by the Canton of Basel for her company for the years 2024–2026 and is currently working as a director for Zirkus Chnopf for the next production in 2024 in Zürich.

Dates / Booking
Friday, 11.10.2024
Clock 18:00 — 18:30
  • This event is free of charge

Studio 2
Tanzhaus Zürich
Wasserwerkstrasse 127a
8037 Zürich

  • Duration: 30m
  • Nonverbal, without spoken text
  • Wheelchair accessible