Thz event zeitsprung 2020


Total International (Lokal)

Total International (Lokal) is a dance between friends, who never met in a physical space at work. The performance takes place simultaneously in Denmark and Switzerland, and all all performers are always present – two of them physically. How can internationally producing artists deal with the fact that their way of working is no longer ecologically justifiable? How can people come together in two performance spaces that lie 1.500 kilometres apart? The piece explores answers to questions that were already highly relevant before the Corona crisis and have since become even more explosive.

Illustration: Jakob Rønlov

Performance Andreas Liebmann, Boaz Barkan und Cie Zeitsprung: Meret Schlegel und Kilian Haselbeck
Artistic support and Final Direction Beatrice Fleischlin
Artistic support Nicole Gabriele Schöpfer
Technical concept Claudio Bagno
Music, technical manager David Nicolas Abad
Dramaturgical production advisor Tanzhaus Zürich Simon Froehling

A cooperation between Tanzhaus Zürich, Kulturhaus Helferei Zurich, Får302 Kopenhagen, Tårnby Park Studio
Supported by City of Zurich Culture, Cultural Department of the Canton of Zurich, Ernst Göhner Foundation, Danish Arts Counsel, Wilhelm Hansen Foundation

Dates / Booking