
The Field

The Best and the Worst of Us – Im Rahmen vom Zürcher Theater Spektakel

The Field, a collective of dancers, is inter­ested in transdisciplinary forms of collaboration – not only amongst its members but also with as broad an audience as possible. While perfecting its virtuosity, the group’s aim is to use its dance and choreographic skills to create and develop a sense of community through interactions.

With this in mind, The Field has approached its first joint work, a reinterpretation of Simone Aughterlony’s The Best and the Worst of Us (2008), which is presented as part of Zürcher Theater Spektakel. Based on a common set of rules, the company has experimented with tech­niques and practices in an iterative process – consistently focusing on the questions the piece origi­nally posed: What accounts for the collective and the individual? How can both be productively combined? The Field has investigated the princi­ples of discipline and order, improvisation and free movement – preferably beyond the classic di­vision of roles in choreography, dramaturgy and performing. This version of The Best and the Worst of Us again reflects on the potentials and challenges of communities. The reinterpretation expresses the hope that communities can be creat­ed in fairer and freer ways than suggested by the pre­dominant forms.

Choreography and direction Simone Aughterlony
Dance The Field: Maria Demandt, Lucia Gugerli, Pierre Piton, Declan Whitaker, Mirjam Jamuna Zweifel
Music and sound Marcel Blatti, Jan Stehle
Adapted light design Joseph Wegmann, Marek Lamprecht
Replica of original stage Klara Mand, Tamara Baumann
Production management Simon Froehling
Mentoring The Field Romain Guion
Original cast and creation Simone Aughterlony, Kate McIntosh, Phil Hayes, Nicholas Lloyd, Thomas Wodianka
Original light design Christa Wenger
Original stage design Nadia Fistarol

Coproduction Tanzhaus Zürich
Partner Zürcher Theater Spektakel

Supported by BNP Paribas Swiss Foundation (Main Partner of The Field), City of Zurich Culture, Fondation Nestlé pour l'Art, Migros Culture Percentage, Ernst Göhner Foundation, Department of Culture of the Canton of Zurich, Landis & Gyr Foundation

Photos © Maxi Schmitz

The Field

The Field is a collective of dance artists who have been working together since 2019. The collective has collaborated with local and international artists to create a range of works from large scale performances to intimate artistic exchanges. So far, The Field has developed works with Meg Stuart (Waterworks), Isabel Lewis (Scalable Skeletal Escalator), Simone Aughterlony (The Best and the Worst of Us) and is currently developing a piece with Ofelia Jarl Ortega.

The collective came into being from the necessity to create flexible, versatile, sensitive and enduring forms of togetherness, to find ways of articulating our cultural, social and political concerns through dance experiences. Their commitment to non-hierarchical forms of working shapes all of The Field’s artistic outputs.

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