Cosima was born 1987 in Leuk (VS), Switzerland, and lives in Zurich. She graduated from Centre nationale de danse contemporaine (CNDC) in Angers, France, under the direction of Emanuelle Huynh. Grand completed the Bachelor in multilingual communication at the University of Geneva and studied theater studies and sociolinguistics at the University of Berne. Grand collaborates and performs with Aina Alegre, Simone Truong, Chris Leuenberger, Lucie Eidenbenz, among others
Her own work covers T-R-A-N-S (Cosima Grand and Pia Campos, 2011), Me, myself and I (Cosima Grand and Sabrina Zimmermann, 2013), BeMyselfAndDie (Cosima Grand and Davide Prudente, 2013, rewarded with the prize Fondation Bea pour jeunes artistes), CTRL-V (EP) (second prize PREMIO 2015), CTRL-V (LP) (2016) and Hitchhiking through Winterland (2018).
Her work was shown at Kondenz Festival Belgrad, Festival June Events Paris, ROXY Birsfelden, Festival de la Cité Lausanne, Festival frisch eingetroffen Mannheim, Théâtre Sévelin 36 Lausanne, Tanzhaus Zürich, Dampfzentrale Bern, Südpol Luzern, Das Tanzfest in Berne and Basel, Festival Tanz in Bern, Festival Antigel Genf, Tojo Theater Bern, Kellertheater Brig, Oh! Festival Wallis, Festival Forum Wallis and Scènes Valaisannes, among others
Cosima is co-founder of Residenz Tanz Leuk.
In 2015 she was awarded the Canton of Valais' cultural prize.

Cosima Grand
ABGESAGT: Restless Beings
PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately we have had to cancel the performances of "Restless Beings" by Cosima Grand (October 14 to 18) due to illness. We will contact you as soon as possible regarding ticket refunds.
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(If you read the following text aloud, please read it singing, rocking, shaking and/or trembling.)
They grow on a small feeling within us
they are not easy ones, but fertile ones
they have one cell or more,
they get ignored, you get bored, maybe.
Plunge into it and swim around.
Maybe take some deep breaths before.
The songs assembled here are bringing together new ways of living on a planet that has been damaged recently.
Open your pores, so long.
Simply said: Restless Beings is a piece for 5 dancers. Together they form a rocking, trembling and shaking choir. They tell of forms of coexistence between humans and non-humans on a damaged planet.
Ketty Ghnassia Dramaturgy, production Cécile Giovannini Illustrations brochure Cosima Grand Concept, choreography, performance Jessica Huber Dramaturgical production advisor Tanzhaus Zürich Nina Jaun Costumes Chris Leuenberger Co-choreography, performance Romain Mercier Musical score Natascha Moschini Co-choreografie, performance Anne-Sophie Raemy Costumes Roger Sala Reyner Co-choreografie, performance ROLI Deluxe Graphic design Oliver Roth Text libretto Juliette Uzor Co-choreografie, performance Jean-Babtiste Veyret-Logerias Voice coach Pablo Weber Light design and technical manager Mona De Weerdt Mediation project Valais Jasmin Wiesli Scenography
Co-production Tanzhaus Zürich and ROXY Birsfelden in collaboration with TLH Sierre
Co-production in the frame of the Programmers' Fund of Reso – Dance Network Switzerland, supported by Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council
Supported by City of Zurich Culture, Department of Culture of the Canton of Zurich, TheaterPro Valais,
Canton of Valais, Loterie Romand, Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council and Dance and Theatre Commission Basel