Red mit mir
What does not come easily over our lips? When does something get stuck in our throat? What does not come up at all and expresses itself differently – through the body, for example?
Based on questions like these, the group Kumpane tells the story of Gerda, who loses control for a moment out of frustration over a family situation and damages something in the process. Her sister Julia has observed everything. And now? Who should go and report this? To whom first, when best and why at all? And what if it brings up other things and further secrets were unearthed?
A dancer, an artist and an actress explore the pleasure and burden of talking versus not being able to tell.
- For children 7+
Choreography Tina Beyeler
With Tina Beyeler, Jeanne Devos, Angie Müller
Music Frank Gerber
Text, dramatrugy Andri Beyeler
Light Fiona Zolg
Stage Angelica Paz Soldan
Costumes Diana Ammann
Production management Andri Beyeler, Tina Beyeler
Bild ©Angelica Paz Soldan
Supported by Stadt Schaffhausen, Kanton Schaffhausen, Jakob und Emma Windler-Stiftung, SIG Gemeinnützige Stiftung, Stiftung Werner Amsler
The school showings are made possible by City of Zurich School Culture and The Department of Education of the Canton of Zurich, Office of Elementary Education