Im Rahmen von ZÜRICH TANZT: FLIRREN (flirten und irren)
FLIRREN is set in a post-apocalyptic, desert-like landscape: Something has fundamentally changed in the lives of seven young people. They have to find their way in this changed world, meet each other anew, recompose themselves. They meet the ruthlessness of life with stoic tenderness and attentive care. Dance, text and sound merge into a shimmering rave that gently explores the themes of independence, belonging, togetherness and collective freedom. FLIRREN is a post-pandemic sigh of relief and a lively piece hope for the future.
The performances on May 12-14 take place in the frame of ZÜRICH TANZT
Festival passes are available via ZÜRICH TANZT.
The online sale of individual tickets for a specific performance date is closed. Remaining tickets at the box office.
Live Stream
Sunday, 14 May, 6 pm
For those who can't be there, there will be a live stream from Couchkult.
Info & tickets:
- 14+
With Vivienne Giulia Vogt, Siria Walker, Moritz Haffner, Giann Rimini, Eva Barraza, Vanja Caplazi, David Högsberg
Artistic co-direction Anja Lina Egli, Reut Nahum
Direction Anja Lina Egli
Choreography Reut Nahum
Text development Katja Brunner
Dramaturgy Mona De Weerdt
Stage design and costumes Rocco Schira
Stagaires stage design Emma Guidolin, Sarah Baumann, Alisea Donato
Assistance costumes Gemma Rezzonico
Music Serafina Ndlovu / DJ NDLOVU
Support music production Christin Högsberg
Light Jean-Marc Desbonnets
Light design Demi Jakob
Dramaturgical advisor Tanzhaus Zürich Simon Froehling
Production management Simon Fleury
Photo Kim Kläy
Coproduction Tanzhaus Zürich, Verein WILD LIFE, ZÜRICH TANZT
Supported by City of Zurich Culture, Beisheim Foundation, Ernst Göhner Foundation, Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Kantons Zürich, Migros Cultural Percentage, Swiss Interpreters Foundation SIS, Else v. Sick Stiftung