
Theater Sgaramusch (Vonder Mühll / Thuwis / Biedermann)

Die letzte Show

Saying goodbye is part of life. We all have to let go, over and over again, no matter our age.

"Die letzte Show" unites Nora and Ives, two seasoned performers, with their much younger audience for the first and last time. The piece explores farewells and final moments from various perspectives, making the audience witnesses to goodbyes and instigators for unfinished dreams. It celebrates the art of letting go and the power of new beginnings.

What’s left for you to do?

What have you always been afraid to try?

Who do you say goodbye to?

And how do you say it?

"Die letzte Show" concludes the trilogy that began with "Liebe üben" and continued with "dÄmonen".

  • For an audience years 10+

Stückentwicklung Ensemble
Regie Hannah Biedermann
Choreografie und Performance Ives Thuwis und Nora Vonder Mühll
Sound Design und Musik Johannes Birlinger
Ausstattung Regina Rösing
Choreografische Mitarbeit Tabea Martin
Mitarbeit Konzept und Tourneetechnik Stefan Colombo
Produktionsleitung Cornelia Wolf
Photos Hanne Brandt

Koproduktion Theater Sgaramusch Schaffhausen, Vorstadttheater Basel, FFT Düsseldorf, ROTONDES Luxemburg, Theater am Kirchplatz TAK Schaan, Dschungel Wien, Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik Zürich

Theater Sgaramusch (Vonder Mühll / Thuwis / Biedermann)

For over 25 years, Nora Vonder Mühll and Stefan Colombo have been collaborating continuously, creating theater for young audiences with a variety of partners. Their work aims to move, provoke questions, and challenge. They craft productions across diverse genres, building worlds with minimal resources while diving deep into societal topics through research. Their stories stay relevant and timely, touring stages big and small worldwide. In 2018, Theater Sgaramusch received the Swiss Grand Prix Theater/Hans-Reinhart-Ring.

Hannah Biedermann (*1982, Bonn) is a director, performer, and theater educator. In 2007, she founded pulk fiktion, exploring interdisciplinary theater forms. Her work, centered on contemporary children’s and youth theater with societal relevance, has earned multiple awards, including the FAUST 2017.

Ives Thuwis (*1963, Sint-Niklaas) is a choreographer and director with over 50 dance and theater productions, including many for young audiences. A recipient of the German Theater Prize "Der Faust" (2009), he works internationally, often blending disciplines. Since 2011, he has been a member of the Nevski Prospekt collective.

Nora Vonder Mühll (*1968, Basel) is an actress and co-director of Theater Sgaramusch since 1997. With over 30 productions directed by renowned figures and extensive work in theater, music, and dance, she is a key player in the independent theater scene. She also performs as part of the musical duo CASIOFIEBER.

Dates / Booking
Tuesday, 10.06.2025
Clock 10:00 — 11:00

Bühne 1
Tanzhaus Zürich
Wasserwerkstrasse 127a
8037 Zürich

  • Duration: 1h
  • Deutsch
  • Wheelchair accessible
Wednesday, 11.06.2025
Clock 10:00 — 11:00

Bühne 1
Tanzhaus Zürich
Wasserwerkstrasse 127a
8037 Zürich

  • Duration: 1h
  • Deutsch
  • Wheelchair accessible
Wednesday, 11.06.2025
Clock 16:00 — 17:00
  • Solidarity: CHF 35
  • Regular: CHF 25
  • Budget: CHF 15

Bühne 1
Tanzhaus Zürich
Wasserwerkstrasse 127a
8037 Zürich

  • Duration: 1h
  • Deutsch
  • Wheelchair accessible