
The performances on Sunday evenings take place as Relaxed Performances. The performance date is labelled accordingly. Relaxed Performances are aimed at anyone who would like to experience a performance in an inclusive environment.

At Tanzhaus, this usually means

    • The auditorium is not fully occupied, so you can maintain distance.
    • The stage area is never completely dark.
    • You can leave and re-enter at any time.
    • Noises and movements in the audience are okay.
    • There are comfortable seating options.
    • Our quiet area is a sofa in the foyer. There is a caregiver present. There are sensory aids and water available.
    • At 5 PM, there is a Touch Tour where you can experience the stage area and surroundings. The Touch Tour is supervised and free of charge.
    • If you have special needs, please contact Christina Gabriela Galli. Our team will be on site one hour before the performance starts.
    • Individual shows may offer additional measures. We list these under the respective date.